Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Betrayal Revisited

As the cliché goes "Time heals all wounds." Realizing years ago that this statement is absurd to a certain degree, I can agree that time does mitigate the anger one may feel towards the betrayer. And so it goes...

I am by nature a complex man in a simple body. It takes a lot to get under my skin because very few people have the opportunity to get that close to me. The fact that said individual was able to says a lot about him, however, I believe it says more about me. No one likes to have their feelings disregarded, crushed, and their trust bro-ken in two...especially me. It only takes one time for me and I become immune to you. Cold and void of feeling. Unfortunately, with this individual I've only been able to achieve the former. I have however managed to enact these policies when dealing with said individual:

1. No all day text or long convo's. One word answers wherever possible. All comments requiring a larger message is replaced with the word 'Indeed'.

2. Rebuff efforts to meet up and chill. 'Chillin' is not a requirment and will be on my terms, not his.

3. Keep my business to myself. Yea you once were close...'once' being the operative word.

And finally...

4. I forgive you. Whole heartedly. And in doing so, I am free to befriend again having learned a valuable lesson.

Life is about the experiences you have which shape the person you are. I posess a great awareness of self. I know who I am. I am proud of who I am and I am overjoyed at the thought of who I will become as I continue down this path called Life. I am...healed.



Jersey Brotha said...

I'm glad you let go of your hurt and anger regarding this issue. Hell, chances are this person was having some good ass sleep at night while you were goin through it! But it's just another lesson learned in life. Now you can refocus your time and energy on being the very best Damnit you can be.

Nario said...

Hmmmm, glad you are on top of your game and not tolerating it! I was there before my damn self. So I know how difficult it can be.

Thoughts said...

I feel you on ur "reasons"..Cool post.

Jay said...


(That's all, hope you weren't looking for