Monday, March 30, 2009

I ALSO challenge YOU!!

I was perusing online some of the more popular papers around the country and came across this OP-ED in the LA Times. Made me chuckle because I issued the same challenge to YB&DL a couple post back in response to a comment he made. Eh, well now it seems that the challenge has been issued to the public via Op-ed by a Andrew Klavan. Hence, as bloggers seemingly ONLY Black gay Conservative Republican I give you the following link. Cheers!,0,5456892.story



TheBlogArtistFormerlyKnownAsYBandDL said...

Uh... pardon me...uh rah when did you challenge me to the same thing?

When did you challenge me to listen to Rush.... what did I say?
I thought my challenge was about researching other recssions of the past...hmm let me double check

TheBlogArtistFormerlyKnownAsYBandDL said...

Oh, well it seems like you did challenge me. Um yeah... I have been up on that real big...can't get enough of him. Addicted now, like a crackhead!

Yep, I'm not just not a black man in american, without a piece of my Limbaugh in the morning, can't nobody keep me from listening to him!

bLaQ~n~MiLD said...

Are you being facetious Sir YB&DL? LoL.

N ummmmm, noon is not the 'morning' baby boy. MUAHz!


Jon said...


I know you're dying to hear a comment from me, but I think I'll pass on this one. I have "Rush" fatigue...I think he's the most overexposed non-intellectual in America today other than Britney Spears.

bLaQ~n~MiLD said...

^^Ah yes my buddy Jon. You are clearly FAR too intellectual to listen someone like him...or Britney Spears. Luv ya none the less.



Mr. Jones said...

Rush isn't too bad when he stays in the middle of the right like he does most times. It's his incitement that annoys me. When he really tries to pander to the fringes. That's what pinches my nipples...and not in a good way.

Darius T. Williams said...

going to the think now...

RocaFella07 said...

LMAO!!! OK now!



Its always refreshing to hear from different perspectives even if I don't agree. I applaud your ability to stand firmly behind your beliefs.

TheBlogArtistFormerlyKnownAsYBandDL said...

You know what I challenge you Blaq, to write a post for the month of April, how about that! And not about Obama or Rush or anything political! There that's your challenge baby boy!!!!!!